I’m a brazilian—portuguese creative, with a 24-year career. I had my first internship when I was 16yo — seriously, and since then, I’ve been having a lot of fun working with a bunch of brilliant people in agencies that I still loving like F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi, AlmapBBDO and FCB. During all those years, I was honored to conquer 20 Cannes Lions, incluiding the brazilian first Film Grand Prix. I’m also copresident of the Brazilian Creative Club, together with folks from CC collective. Well, I think that’s all. I hope you enjoy your visit. Glad you came.

Awards list


Hello there.
I’m Romero Cavalcanti,
Copywriter and 
Creative Director 
currently at
Energy BBDO S. Paulo.

Some stuff that I’ve done so far.

  1. Leica — 100
  2. Leica — Soundlab
  3. Rexona — Album of the Future
  4. Etd — Corruption Converter
  5. CC — Re-reborn
  6. Zap — The Epic First Time
  7. CC — Stone Milk
  8. Rexona — Peri Beyond The Limits
  9. Nike — Goalpost
  10. Pina — Curiosism
  11. Zap — Hint Books
  12. Skol — Skol Design
  13. Pina — Art's Library
  14. Sky — Zapping
  15. HOZ — Test
  16. Pina — Van Gogh, Warhol
  17. Skol — Holiday
  18. Opsm — Stay Apes
  19. SOS — Memoirs
  20. Ford — Generations

Goalpost– 09

No one transpass a goalpost.
Except Gods.

Full copy

To you, who believe, here is the gateway.
The borderline that distances the disgraced from the full of grace.
The elevation.
The relief and the glorification of your pain and your suffering.
The rejoice.
You, embraced in your faith, walk towards salvation. Dodging the hands and arms that arise from the pile of the condemned that burn in the fire of desperation and inequity.
And these dirty souls try to clench you, deflect you from the way to redemption. With strength of character you see
the hate that fulminates their eyes. You listen, as confidently as if you hadn't listened, to mouths full of disbelief and resentment throwing at those who are dearest to you the most serious flippancies.
And your ears ignore.
And the filthy crowd tries to hurt your soul.
And your body becomes impervious. And they try to hurt your morals, your dignity,
your self-respect.
And none of this harms your faith.
Because you are the chosen one.
You forge ahead, certain that you'll reach your salvation.
Straight and unfaitering on the path to the glory that I will provide you.
You have the gift, and the blessing.
And the merit.
Only you, enlightened one, shall I permit to pass by me.
Enter, then, into Heaven.


A vós, os que creem, eis o portão.
A linha fronteiriça que distancia os desgraçados dos cheios de graça.
A elevação.
O alívio e a glorificação da tua dor e de teu sofrimento.
O regozijo.
Tu, abraçado em tua fé, caminhas em direção à salvação.
Esquivando-te de mãos e braços que surgem da pilha de condenados que ardem no fogo do desespero e da iniquidade.
E essas almas sujas tentam prender-te,
desviar-te do caminho da redenção.
Com firmeza de caráter tu enxergas
o ódio que fulmina seus olhares.
Ouves, tão seguro como se as não ouvisses, bocas repletas de descrença e rancor lançando contra aqueles que te são preciosos as mais graves leviandades.
E o teu ouvido se fecha.
E a multidão de imundos tenta te ferir a alma.
E o teu corpo se fecha.
E atentam contra a tua moral, contra a tua dignidade.
Contra o teu amor próprio.
E nada disso abala tua fé.
Porque és o escolhido.
Segues na certeza de alcançar tua salvação.
Reto e inabalável no caminho da glória que te darei.
Tens o dom e a bênção.
E o merecimento.
Somente a ti, iluminado, permitirei que passes por mim.
Adentre, pois, no Paraíso.

Role here — Creative